

Friday, October 21, 2011

Financial Planners Ft Myers I Hurry up and Wait

Another one of my favorite sayings in the financial services business is, “Hurry up and wait.”  As long-term investors we often get excited about the possibility of what a new month, quarter, or year can bring.  As human beings we are programmed to be eternal optimists when it comes to investing our money for the long haul.
Most investors whether or not they admit it or not, want to believe in the possibility of a prosperous return on their money.  As humans we are programmed to have emotions and we tend to want to take on the role of a cheerleader and root for something.  You can almost make a comparison to setting that New Year’s resolution and convincing yourself that this is the year that you finish that goal. 
We all want instant gratification even as long-term investors, which corresponds to the hurrying action described above.  However, we must remember that good things can come to those who are patient and wait for things to develop.  Instead of rushing into waiting you may want to consider taking more time and making sure that your future decision will ultimately fit into your long-term goals and objectives.
Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Eric Marvin, CFP®, CRPC®-Financial Advisor


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